
This blog is about our business as Micoudians! It is about promoting what is good in our midst, how the good can be made better, our history — the base upon which our present and  future rest. Let our words not be idle but instead the medium through which our thoughts are expressed. Thoughts that lead to action for positive growth!

  1. #1 by village Press Secretary on May 30, 2011 - 8:27 pm

    love the initiative, i always knew Micoud had bright minds and talented people. keep us the Good Work, i have to us to say/tell. sure to make use of this blog. i have plenty photos of actives showing the way of life of the people. i don’t mind sharing. keep up the good work. peace and love.

  2. #2 by micoudianvoices on May 31, 2011 - 7:41 am

    Thanks and Welcome!! We look forward to your involvement.

  3. #3 by Darnley Lebourne on June 4, 2011 - 7:36 am

    This is a GREAT initiative. Long overdue. Congratulations. I pray that this is sustained and grows in a postive and productive manner. You have my full support. Just to clarify that the earlier posting under the name “village Press Secretary” did not emanate from me. I am very mindful of my post as Government Press Secretary and would not want persons to relate the reference “village Press Secretary” to me. POSITIVE VIBES, POSITIVE THINKING, POSITIVE ACTIONS.

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